Thursday, July 17, 2008

Preparing for 50

Thank you for the pledges.  Our numbers keep creeping up, and so far we have pledges for $13.75 per mile.  All the money goes to Coffee Kids, so on their behalf I thank you.

I'm leaving in the morning for Leadville.  Things went a little haywire these last few weeks, so my plan to fly fell apart and now I'll be driving the 12- or so hours.  I'm ready to breath mountain air and fill my eyes with mountain vistas.  Have been gathering my gear the last couple days and I hope to get packed today.  I used to have to somehow get packed before nightfall, but now that I have electricity in my apartment it makes everything easier.  Don't have to sort gear with a headlamp.  

My friend Kari hooked me up with a friend's condo in Leadville, so I won't be sleeping on the ground.  I'm such a softy.  The race doesn't start until 6a on Sunday and I'll be done before dark that evening.  That's the beauty of 50-mile races:  no night running.

I emailed the race directors to see what the trail conditions are, because I've heard there is still snow above 10,000 feet, and apparently Schofield Pass above Crested Butte is blocked.  Here's the email I received back from Merilee:
Brian-Trail conditions should be great. No conditions present that should slow your pace considerably (other than the elevation). There will be a short section of snow on the course and there is a small creek crossing and I would expect some (but probably very little) mud. Thanks, Merilee

So that's good. 
I'm actually not sure how I'll do in this race.  My (not enough) training fell off pretty hard these last few weeks.  But I think I'll be good.
I was doing a little reading in the Hammer Nutrition newsletter today and, according to Steve Born's recommendations, I think I'm going to double up on the amount of electrolyte replacement caps I usually take.  We'll see if that helps with cramping, dizziness, and the feeling that my lungs are blowing up when they shouldn't be.  Hammer has been really good to me over the years, so I definitely recommend their products.  I take the Endurolytes and eat (espresso-flavor) Hammer Gels.

Wish me luck.
After the race I'm going to stay in Colorado until Friday to relax a little on some 14ers or my mountain bike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brain, all the best bro! I'm writing a post about you and the Leadville 100.

The post should go live today. I will also do everything to help spread the word, and inform friends/contacts in multiple online social media sites, personal blogs and so forth.